BLOGTom, the personal trainer who founded Waite Training in Leeds has many tips to help you get started on working for your fitness goals.
Many people find it challenging to stick with a diet plan for any length of time. The idea of restricting yourself doesn't sit well with your psychology. You don't want to go the rest of your life thinking you'll never eat another carb. That's a recipe for disaster!
While strength training in some form or another belongs in everyone's training regime, selecting just five individual movements would be difficult. People's bodies are different. Their physiological differences, unique biomechanics, and level of experience with specific exercises would mean it'd be unsafe to make a broad generalisation. It's the topic that's been on everyone's mind for close to a year now; COVID. While everyone has heard of it, what should you do if you catch it? And how should you go about restarting your training if you've been unwell? Well, first, it probably goes without saying that if you're experiencing symptoms, it's vital that you don't train through them or try to "sweat it out". In any given January, you're bombarded with a slew of "new year, new me" resolutions. The sentiment is admirable, but if you've been paying attention, you'll have noticed that these resolutions don't seem to last. When weight loss is the goal, there are a couple of tactics that can make it feel a little easier. Not consuming more calories than you burn off is the primary goal, but there are a few tricks you could use to make it feel a little easier. Trying to create a healthy change in your life is commendable. Still, so many people start by trying to change everything all at once and fail miserably. Do you feel that sounds like you? Keep reading to learn how you can achieve your weight loss goals without going cold turkey. There are a lot of myths floating around the internet about protein. Some are technical - relating to protein absorption. Some are emotional - that protein makes you big and bulky like a bodybuilder. All of these are wrong and lead to fear around eating enough protein at mealtimes. When the goal is losing weight and toning up, it's a common mistake to track one metric only - usually, weight loss. Only having one measure of success, particularly if you're also exercising, is misleading. As you lose weight using diet and exercise, your shape will change through a process called "body recomposition", and sometimes that doesn't show up as a significant difference on the scale. When my clients ask me about the best diet or the best training plan to achieve their fitness goals, they tend to receive an unexpected answer. The best diet and fitness plan is the one you can stick to consistently, every day until your goal is achieved. Working at developing a love of exercise is essential as the benefits of regularly working out go far beyond losing weight. Even though weight loss is often one of the main reasons we start an exercise regime in the first place, it's a pretty inefficient fat loss tool. However, it can be useful for helping us to keep weight off once we've lost it. |
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